Celebrate The Presence of the Lord

Then I will thank you in front of the great assembly. I will praise you before all the people – Psalm 35:18 (NLT).

Worship is important to God. When Israel was in bondage, God sent this message, more than once to Pharaoh, ”Let My People go that they can Worship Me.” God’s Word has not changed. In Isaiah 43:21 it is written,” This people I have formed for Myself, they shall declare My Praise.”(NKJV). This is one element of our lives that David understood. He wrote several Psalms of worship unto God.

There is an account in 2 Samuel 6, that reminds how under King Saul, worship of the Lord had declined. The Ark of the Lord, which represented His presence, had been taken and was eventually left at someone’s home (outside the temple), after a battle. Saul never tried to get the Ark back into Jerusalem.

After David became king,he longed for God’s presence. He made an attempt to get the Ark back to Jerusalem, but he did it his way. For us to have the Spirit- filled atmosphere for worship it must be done God’s way. David was reminded that it’s dangerous to trifle with God’s Presence. His first attempt to return worship (and blessings) to Jerusalem failed. David then sought guidance and waited on God and at the right time, immediately made arrangements to have the Ark returned to its correct place.

David was ready and excited. He immediately planned a celebration. On the specific day he led the people and danced with all his might. The Israelites followed with shouts and the sound of trumpets. David danced from his heart that was in tune with God. His position as King didn’t hinder his posture. The Presence of the Lord had returned to its correct place. It was time for celebration.

It is important to invite and maintain the presence of God in our homes, churches, workplaces, community, and country. Let’s love this verse, John 4:23 and continue to celebrate.

Read: Psalm 33:1-3; 100:1-5; 150:1-6; 2 Samuel 6:1-15
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 4:20-27; Matthew 27:45-66; Exodus 13; Exodus 14

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